The vagus nerve, comprising the right and left vagus nerves, emerges from the brainstem and intricately winds through the body, connecting vital organs and culminating in the gut. This cranial...
Kelly came to me with ongoing symptoms of anxiety, nervousness, pain, dizziness, heart problems, breathing problems, and intestinal problems. She is one of those patients that doctors cringe when they...
Curcumin is a polyphenol found in the popular Indian spice turmeric. It does far more than stain the spice yellow; curcumin provides cardiovascular and neuroprotective benefits, and has potent antioxidant,...
As a health conscious person, it’s important to consider how your food intake is affecting your metabolism; the faster your metabolism, the quicker your body will burn up the calories...
You might pucker at the sound of it, but your body is smiling. With a variety of health benefits, drinking even one or two glasses of tart cherry juice week...
With out a doubt, pain management has become the hot topic in today’s health care arena. It is estimated that over 85 million Americans suffer from some type of chronic...
When you aren’t feeling healthy or well, what is the first thing you do? Go to the medicine cabinet? Make an appointment with the doctor? Or, suffer through it and...
Vitamin B12 is one of those micronutrients that our bodies require in order to live and thrive. Vitamin B12 also goes by the name cyanocobalamin. (No wonder we’ve shortened it...
Vitamin K is for Blood "Klotting" and Bone Health According to Dr. Cees Vermeer, one of the world’s top researchers in the field of vitamin K, nearly everyone is deficient...
While medication may be what your body thinks it needs right now to control your blood sugar, it is not a natural, sustainable answer for insulin control. Thankfully, you can...
February is American Heart Month, offering us a great opportunity to take inventory of our own heart-health. Heart disease warrants our attention, because…[1] Heart disease is the leading cause of...
You’ve heard the hype – probably all your life. “Fat is bad for you.” Over the last six decades, the war on fat has been waged using people as the...