Commercials, ads and beach-dressed beauties say they work, but do weight loss pills actually help shed the pounds? There are many weight loss products on the market, and one can...
CAN A FOOD LOVER STILL BE FIT? Dear Grandma, I hear the same things over and over again for weight loss: watch what you eat and exercise. But, for some...
An alternative to dangerous weight loss pills, Apple Cider Vinegar is a natural and potent remedy for losing weight. Celebrities swear by a pre-meal gulp of vinegar. Heidi Klum has...
Screen your body for muscle, not fat As you already know, for every effect there is a cause. But, many people seem to confuse the cause for the effect. As...
7 Steps to Face the Fridge and Walk Away Binge eating mostly happens in the evening, and you become someone else. In the evening, you are probably tired and stressed,...
Shrink Your Waistline, Look Better and Feel Younger the Natural Way You've heard of Hydroxycut...the Acai Miracle...Sonoma Diet...Medifast...Green Tea Diet Pills - the list goes on and on. It's probably...
DO CHILDREN NEED A PILE OF WRAPPED TOYS IN ORDER TO KNOW THAT THEY ARE LOVED? My youngest daughter, Ula, and I have birthdays one week apart. Thus, the cusp...
Restaurant tips, calorie exchange and taste bud fulfillment. Our fast food, food-everywhere, consumer society wants us to pig-out as much as possible. We are constantly bombarded with TV, radio, billboard,...
But, God, I Love You More! Nearly every religion in the world encourages fasting. This is because it works. Fasting is nothing more than consuming less so there is more...
You don't need another theory or method. You need a positive weight loss experience. Here's a little known secret that I used to lose 50 pounds in only 90 days....
A skin pathology can reflect the health of the intestinal tract. Follow your gut and get the clearance you need for a beautiful and fresh, acne-free face. Dear Grandma, I...
They say the eyes are the windows into the soul. But, what does your skin tell the world? If you smoke, drink alcohol in excess or use skin care products...